Monday, April 29, 2013

Super good day at friend's house!

Hey guys! It's me Cece. Sorry I haven't posted a lot lately. I was at my friend's house and yesterday I have no idea what happened. I'll make sure I post more. Thanks!

With lots of Love,
Cece <3

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mordecai and Rigby as Humans

Aww! It's so cute! Don't you think? I found this really cute pic of Mordecai and Rigby as humans. Hope you like!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Who is your fave Cartoon Network (voice) actor

Hey guys! I just thought that if you like Cartoon Network then you should know what the characters are like off the big screen.

Finn- Jeremy Shada

Jake- John DiMaggio

Princess Bubblegum- Hynden Walch

Ice King- Tom Kenny

Prince Gumball- Neil Patrick Harris

Marceline- Olivia Olson

Marshall Lee- Donald Glover

Ice Queen- Grey Dilisle

Cake- Roz Ryan

Fionna- Madeleine Martin

Lady Rainicorn/BMO- Niki Yang

That's about it. If I missed any please comment below. Also please comment about who is your favorite from all of them. you can find the rest of the cartoon network characters easily on google. Hope you liked!

With Lots of love,
Cece <3

Birthday Party in Cartoon Netland


Hey guys! It's me. If you saw the post 'finished shower' you might already know about the activity that I'm going to start. If you want to have your own happy birthday in Cartoon Netland then I can throw it for you! You can ask me to make the theme as any show on Cartoon Network and I'll make it as magical as I can. If you put in your birthday in the comment box please make sure to put  your full name or at least your first name. If we are in different time zones, it might come in later or earlier. Here is an exemplary form that a person would put in the comment box.

Birthday Form:

First Name (Required): Cecilia
Last Name (Optional): Cartoonlandia
Age (turning into/required): 17
Birthday (DEFINITELY REQUIRED!): June 17th

Just fill in those and you will be free to have a great party. Please fill in the ones that say required. It will be hard to celebrate your birthday when you don't even know what day it is and who's birthday it is. Thank you so much if you send in your birthday form. Please post the title Birthday Form on top of the application. Thanks!

With Lots of Birthday Love,
Cece <3

Finished Shower!


Don't take this the wrong way. I was just finding a stupid gif that had to do with showering. Now back to the subject. I just finished showering and had a really cool idea. How about everybody that comes to this blog sends in their birthday in the comment box and I'll design a cartoonnetworky-birthday just for you right here in Cartoon Netland! What do you think? I'll make a new post just for that. Thanks! Please send in birthdates in the comment box of this post or the next one called 'Birthday Activity.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Lady Rainicorn's language: Korean


This is a nice picture of Lady Rainicorn. She is saying Hi! in Korean. I speak Korean. It's a really cool language. Actually, I'm Korean. I have it on my keyboard. Look, 안녕! 내 이름은 씨씨야! This phrase in English is, "Hi! My name is Cece!" Cool right? See ya!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Just ate lunch


Hey guys! I just ate my lunch and I'm up and running. What did you have for lunch? I had a whole bunch of stuff. It was a great meal.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Friday, April 26, 2013

Adventure Time Picture

Whoa! Check this picture out! It's so cool! I have another one coming up. It's one with Fionna in it. It's real cool. You should see it. Sorry about Ice King's animation. It's just red to make it more dramatic and more evil. I think Marceline looks cute in this pic. See ya!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

P.S. I just added this pic right now because I forgot to press publish and it didn't show up. Sorry!!

Finn the Human: Behind the voice actor


OMG! Hot alert! Guess who.. YES! It is the voice actor of Finn the human of Adventure Time, Jeremy Shada. Who thought that Finn would have the good looks on TV and in reality! I am completely charmed by his amazing eyes. Gotta go!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Trip for the weekend

I'm going to my friend's house for the weekend. I won't be able to update my blog due to NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE COMPUTER issues. Well whatever. It's not like it's the end of the world because of one sleepover right? 

Ok maybe I should try to persuade my mom into letting me take it. Anyway, bye!

With Lots of Love, 
Cece <3

Thursday, April 25, 2013



If you've watched the Regular Show at least one time then you MUST have seen this moment. OHHHHHHHH!!!!!! This is practically their trademark. Cool right? See ya!

With Lots of Love, 
Cece <3

Rules are for Fools


This episode is cool too. It's the episode where they move out because they hate Benson's rules. You should watch it. It's super cool. Thanks!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Guys are the worst


Mordecai trying to impress Margaret... >< So funny! I could die! I have watched this episode a thousand times. Actually, they're playing it right now on Cartoon Network. Super Awesome!! Hope you like it!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Adventure Time Picture #2

Truthfully, I think in this picture the Ice Queen looks sort of pretty. Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball look cool too. Sadly, I think that Fionna and Cake look a little weird. Hope you like~

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Young Luv

Hey guys! Sorry I forgot to update the blog. This is a really nice and cute picture of Finn and Little Princess Bubblegum. It's her when she is turned into a 13 year old. Cool right? I really like how calm the pic is. However, the hairstyle of Finn is wrong. If you look at my post, 'Finn's beautiful golden hair' you will see that Finn's hair is secretly crazily long and beautiful. In this drawing, Finn has short hair. Thanks!

With Lots of Love, 
Cece <3

Monday, April 22, 2013

It's a Monday!


Ahhhh!! It's already a Monday! Good for me because in my school, today we don't have classes! Woo hoo! I can't believe that it's already a Monday all over again. I was so glad when the week finally ended and now I have to start again? NO WAY!! Gotta go.. See ya!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rigby and Eileen


Aww... The cutest couple ever is playing video games together! Did you watch this episode? I hope you did. Rigby, Margaret, Eileen, and Mordecai go camping and get to spend lots of time together. It's really sweet. I think it was called 'Camping can be cool'. Not really sure so if you're curious search it. See ya!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Fire Princess and Finn Kiss!


I was nearly crying when I saw this gif. He heated her up! Its too sweet. It's sad that she was too hot for him to handle. Anyway I still like them together.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Finn's beautiful golden hair


OMG! I want hair like that! It's amazing! I really didn't expect it to be that long when my sister told me that it was long. I expected it to be a bit longer than Avan Jogia. This is so cool! I never expected it to be so shiny. Anyways, gotta go.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Fionna and Finn

Okay, they are just too cute to be contained! I found this pic hidden somewhere in my computer stash that I have been keeping for a long  time. Lots of people consider them as a couple, but I really see them as brother and sister.. like twins. I just can't imagine them together or even a slight kiss. They look like the closest kind of siblings. Don't you agree?

With Lots of Love, 
Cece <3

Fionna, Finn, Cake, Jake, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Ice King, and Ice Queen

I thought that this picture was sweet. It's a picture of the two universes of Adventure Time joined together. I truthfully think that Marceline and Marshall Lee look best together. I also like Cake and Jake, but I really would prefer if Jake was with Lady Ranicorn. Ice King and Ice Queen don't really  have a choice so I ship them. Prince Gumball and Princess Bubblegum are okay, I guess. Anyways totally like the drawing. See ya!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Cartoon Network 20th B-day!!


It's really cool yet touching that cartoon network is already having their 20th anniversary. Are you celebrating? I definitely am. I love cartoon network so much. I really like it. Although I also like Disney Channel I still have my eyes on cartoon network. If you look through all of the characters you will see characters that you haven't even heard of. If you're 20 this will be a really sweet memory for you.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Shh! Scooby Doo!


Talk about the classic cartoon network show! They don't do this show much on cartoon network anymore. I don't understand why. Anyways I thought that this gif was kind of cute and funny so I decided to put it up.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

I love food more than people.


Haha... Very nice Jake. I find it amazing and curious how a dog can consume that much food. Isn't it dangerous for dogs to eat human food? Anyways it's cool. Did you know that I have never had a hamburger in my life? I've only had PB & J sandwiches. Is it possible for even a human to eat a sandwich that big? Thanks!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Finished up my dinner


Hey guys! I just finished my delicious dinner and I am starting my posting again. I hope you like my blog! What did you have for dinner? Hope it was something yummy.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Wakin' up


Hey guys I just woke up after a 2 hour nap after I remembered that I had a blog to take care of. It was an unusual 2 hours for me because I don't usually have long naps. Anyways I'm all good now. Thanks!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Sad Fact

Dear whoever sees this post,
Guess what? I found out that it isn't possible to follow anyone in Blogspot. It's weird because just last year I started following my teacher's blogspot. This is just so weird and sad. Since it isn't possible to follow this blog please just comment and make me happy. Thanks!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Dear visitors and bloggers

Dear visitors and bloggers,
I want to tell you that I am very happy and am half celebrating after I looked at my overview and found out that at least one person in the whole world looked at my blog. Please at least consider following my blog. Thanks.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

P.S. And please comment if possible

Chowder is not Panini's Boyfriend


Haha... Too bad. I actually kind of like that pink rabbit...<3

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

My tail is totally frizzin' out!


Really funny! OMG! Wait... Why is it funny? Anyway whatever. I just love Cake plain out. And I luv Fionna so much!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Gumball get back in the kitchen


Such an obedient little boy. So cute! Yet also so funny... LOL.. Laughing my head off!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3



This gif is about... Well, it's about...... Ok I give up... What the heck is this gif about?!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Gumball on the internet for the first time


OMG! This is so funny... Laughing my head off right now. This comes out in an episode where Darwin is taken away because a secret company thinks that he is a genius. Gumball decides to become smart to join Darwin and decides to look in the internet to become smarter... this is what happened. He was introduced to the 21st century.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

The evil glare


Check out her evil glare. Would you be able to say no to that face? I certainly wouldn't...

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3



Have you seen this episode? It's really cool..:) It's about how Anais decides to be dumb for one day  when she realizes that Gumball and Darwin only get the attention because they are dumb. Gumball and Darwin get really jealous when Anais steals all of their dumbness and they decide to ave a dumb race even when it has nothing to do with how smart or stupid you are.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Anais Watterson


Aww... Who could say no to a face like that! Please comment if you agree that the name Anais is kind of unusual. Do you know exactly how to pronounce it? I don't really.. whatever... SEE YA!!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Mordecai and Margaret


Best Couple In The World~ BCITW! I just LOVE Mordecai and Margaret together. I ship them and always will. Don't you just love the Regular Show? If you don't watch it then watch it! It is amazing! Gotta go~

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3



Check this gif out! OMG!! Really funny! Wait for it.... COFFEE!

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Funny gif of Mojo Jojo and other villain


Man!! Laughin' my head off!! Really funny! PLEASE start following if you like my blog! I need some support. Thanks anyways.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3



Awwww... Young love! Which couple do you prefer? They look disgusted! LOL!! Would you rather be kissed by a Powerpuff boy or kiss a Powerpuff boy?

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Adventure Time Anime

Hi there! I found this cute anime picture of Adventure Time. Who's your favorite character? I personally like Marceline. She's creepy, but also sweet at times.

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Young Princess Bubblegum


Have you watched the episode that shows when PB turns 13? It's really sweet because Finn has a crush on PB, but she was always older than him, but now that she is younger he is free to date her...<3

With Lots of Love,
Cece <3